
First Nations ICF board members resign

In a major setback for the resumption of rail on the E&N corridor five First Nations members of the Island Corridor Foundation have resigned.
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The E&N Rail Trail and the unused train tracks near the Wilson Street crossing in Victoria. DARREN STONE, TIME COLONIST

The end of the line for Island railway

The Chief of the Snaw-Naw-As First Nation, states that “there is no business case to re-invest in the corridor.”
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Island bus service

Op-ed makes the case that a good transit system would be much better, and cheaper, than trying to resurrect trains.
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Singing on the Tracks

Watch a video of Ocie Elliott singing about their walk along the tracks from Victoria to Nanaimo.
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Preserve the Vancouver Island Rail Corridor

FORT-VI has started a petition to preserve the old E&N corridor by converting it to a multi-use trail like the Galloping Goose.
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Photo: James MacDonald / Capital Daily

More Victorians are cycling, walking to work: Latest census data

The demand is growing for active transportation.
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Popup Businesses

Watch news about Saanich's plan to allow popup businesses on the Galloping Goose and Lochside Trails.
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Railway not achievable

Premier John Horgan doubts that train service on the E&N corridor is achievable, even in the well-populated Langford to Victoria section.
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No, Canada doesn’t need bullet trains

The fact that we don’t have more trains — never mind high-speed ones — is no mystery at all
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Comment: Choose active transportation, not a renewed railway

Let's not waste money to prop up a failed Victorian railway.
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A Review of the ICF Business Case

While the business case appears to present an appealing case for rail, a deeper look reveals many disparities and omissions.
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Rail Trail safety

Rail trails are places where users can feel safe from the dangerous traffic on roads and highways.
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