Studies and Reports

Below are recent major studies and reports published on the Island Rail Corridor, and on transportation on the South Island.

Feasibility Report, April 2023  - A feasibility study commissioned by FORT-VI and funded by the Federal Active Transportation Fund. This study demonstrates the economic and health benefits and the costs of converting the Island Rail Corridor to an Active Transportation Trail. It includes comparisons with similar Rail Trails elsewhere.

Overview Report, November 2022 - Dig into the details about the Island Rail Corridor in this comprehensive slide presentation created by FORT-VI.

South Island Transportation Strategy, Sept 2020  - The Provincial government's integrated transportation plan for the Island from Duncan south. The only mention of rail is for the corridor from Langford to Victoria.

Island Rail Corridor Condition Assessment, April 2020 - A very detailed assessment of the current condition (Poor to Fair) of the Island Rail Corridor and the projected costs to make rail operational, commissioned by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

UVic Studies, March 2020 - Under the direction of Professor Dr. Lynda Gagné, through the Graduate Program in Public Administration, the University of Victoria generously agreed to undertake studies investigating stakeholder and user interest in and support for converting the E&N Corridor into a Multi-Use Community Trail.

In November 2019 graduate student Alli Cano delivered her Masters Thesis, entitled “Community consultations for a non-motorized, multi-use community trail along the Vancouver Island Corridor”.

Separately, Prof. Gagné developed an on-line survey which was both publicly advertised and linked to our website. Prof. Gagné's Survey Analysis and resulting Economic Evaluation Study of the feasibility of an Island Corridor Trail was published in March 2020.

While FORT-VI is the 'client' for these efforts, the work itself, consisting of research, analysis and reporting, was done at arms length and represents the first such investigations of converting the Corridor to a trail.

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